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All dive packages are for certified divers

Showing 1–4 of 10 results

  • Boat Diver

    Must be Open Water Diver

    calendario Daily
    reloj Call to make an appointment
      2 dives
      #Hours 5
      #Days Involved in the course: 1
      Minimum age: 12 years old
  • Cavern Diver Course

    Must be Advance Open Water Diver

    calendario Daily
    reloj Call to make an appointment
      4 dives
      #Hours: 18
      #Days Involved in the course: 2
      Minimum age: 18 years old
    traje_buzo We supply all diving equipment including 3mm wet suits


  • Deep Diver Course

    Must be Advance Open Water Diver

    calendario Daily
    reloj Call to make an appointment
      4 dives
      #Ours Involved: 18
      #Days Involved in the course: 2
      Minimum age: 15 years old
  • Drift Diver

    Must be Open Water Diver

    calendario Daily
    reloj Call to make an appointment
      2 dives
      #Hours: 5
      #Days Involved in the course: 1
      Minimum age: 12 years old


Wet suits for rent, fee $10 USD each in Cancún and Cozumel.
Entry fee to Underwater National Park (Government Tax): $50.00 pesos per person (NOT INCLUDED)
We do not always dive the walls in Cozumel or at the shipwreck. It depends on the weather conditions.
Pick up & drop offs at designated hotels.

All prices include taxes.
All prices are per person